Scientific activity is carried out in 4 Research Centers (LIBPhys-UNL, CEFITEC, CENIMAT/I3N and CeFEMA) by 36 doctors, 29 doctoral students and 4 Post-Docs. The research work covers several areas of Physics and Physical Engineering...
- Atomic and Molecular Physics
- Nuclear and Plasma Physics
- Physics of Surfaces and Interfaces
- Instrumentation and Computer Vision
- Analytical techniques and their applications
- Vacuum Technology and Metrology
- Laser technology, Solar Laser and applications
... and Biomedical Engineering:
- Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence
- Biomarkers and Biosensors
- Biomechanics and rehabilitation
- Biosignals, acquisition and processing
- Tissue engineering and theranostics
- Medical imaging
- Medical instrumentation