

COST CA 20114 Training School 2022


COST Action CA20114 “Therapeutical applications of Cold Plasmas” – PlasTHER organizes the 1st Training School “Fundamental aspects on Plasma Medicine”. The Training School will be held as a hybrid event from 14th to 16th of February 2022 at Nova School of Science and Technology, FCT NOVA, Caparica, Portugal.

Target Audience are PhD students and early career investigators with background knowledge in plasmas, medicine, chemistry, biology, physics, engineering etc. Please be so kind to forward the information about the Training School to your students or other colleagues from your organization who might be interested. In order to participate in the online sessions all participants need to be registered.

All information about the Training School are available in the attached document or at the web site https://sites.fct.unl.pt/plasther-cost-action-training-school-2022