

Parabéns Mariana


Bolsa Fulbright atribuída a aluna de doutoramento em Engenharia Biomédica do Departamento de Física para colaboração no MIT.Nano Lab no MIT
Mariana Dias é aluna de doutoramento em Engenharia Biomédica ao abrigo do Programa MIT Portugal, nas áreas de “Data Science” e “Digital Transformation in Manufacturing” e investigadora no LibPhys-Biosignals, no Departamento de Física. O seu trabalho de investigação centra-se no desenvolvimento de redes neuronais artificiais de processamento e extração de padrões a partir de biossinais e, recentemente, foi-lhe atribuída uma bolsa Fulbright para colaborar com o Dr. Praneeth Namburi e o Dr. Brian Anthony no MIT.Nano Lab do Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Como investigadora visitante no MIT, a Mariana irá trabalhar na utilização de técnicas de Transfer-Learning para aplicar as redes neuronais de biossinais na avaliação de riscos ocupacionais, no âmbito do Projeto Operator.
PhD student of NOVA School of Science and Technology has been awarded with a Fulbright grant to collaborate at the MIT.Nano Lab from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Mariana Dias is a Biomedical Engineering Ph.D. student from the MIT Portugal Program in the areas of “Data Science” and “Digital Transformation in Manufacturing” and a researcher at LibPhys-Biosignals in the Physics Department. Her research work is focused on the development of Deep Neural Networks to process and extract patterns from biosignals. Mariana has been awarded a Fulbright grant to collaborate with Dr. Praneeth Namburi and Dr. Brian Anthony at the MIT.Nano Lab from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). As a Visiting Student Researcher at MIT, Mariana will be engaged in applying Transfer-Learning to biosignals neural networks for its application on the evaluation of occupational risk, in the context of the Operator Project.