

Seminário Departamento de Física, Contributing to a billion-dollar worth industry: a step forward in the assessment of fish freshness Mestre Pedro Catalão Moura

Mon, 10 July 2023, 11:30 - 13:00
Tipo de evento: 
Departamento de Fisica
Local do evento: 
Sala de Seminários DF 213 Edif. I
Localização específica: 

Seminário DF

Departamento de Física, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universida NOVA de Lisboa, Campus da Caparica, Portugal

Sala 213 - Edifício I e Online em https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/99512280711

10 de Julho de 2023 às 11h30m

Contributing to a billion-dollar worth industry: a step forward in the assessment of fish freshness

Mestre Pedro Catalão Moura

Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

No âmbito do Mestrado em Engenharia Biomédica



The fishing industry is among the main sources of the gross domestic product of Portugal. In fact, the fishery is responsible for a yearly impact of 3 billion euros in the Portuguese GDP. Nonetheless, it has been facing a true challenge for the past decades on preservation and fast evaluation of fish freshness. The degradation of sea products and, consequently, the development of possibly hazardous bacteria and biogenic amines in the captured fish are of great concern for both the industry and the final consumer due to their financial and health impacts. Therefore, rapid and accurate procedures for controlling the quality of the fish prior to processing and consumption are fundamental to ensure the continuity of the industry and to increase confidence among consumers. This seminar stresses the current size of the fish industry in Portuguese society, summarizes the challenges faced by the industry, and addresses an undergoing project that aims to help overcoming these issues.

Pedro Catalão Moura Bio:

Pedro Catalão Moura received his Master's degree in biomedical engineering from NOVA University of Lisbon. He was awarded a Doctoral Grant by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, FCT - Portugal, and he is a Researcher and Ph.D. Student in Biomedical Engineering at LIBPhys - Laboratory for Instrumentation, Biomedical Engineering and Radiation Physics - NOVA School of Science and Technology – NOVA University of Lisbon since 2019. Pedro has focused his research work on the assessment of indoor and outdoor air quality with emphasis on industrial and heavily populated locations, and on the evaluation of the impacts of exposure to hazardous air contaminants on human health. Pedro has published several scientific articles in international peer review journals and conferences and is a co-author in three book chapters. Since 2019, Pedro has lectured the disciplines of Mechanics, Biophysics, Imagiology and Electrophysiology as an Invited Assistant at the Department of Physics - NOVA School of Science and Technology - NOVA University of Lisbon.