

12 de Julho de 2023 às 15h

Wed, 12 July 2023, 15:00 - 16:00
Tipo de evento: 
Departamento de Fisica
Local do evento: 
Sala de Seminários DF 213 Edif. I
Localização específica: 

Seminário DF

Departamento de Física, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Campus da Caparica, Portugal

Sala 213 - Edifício I  e Online https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/344521416?pwd=WVdzSFQ4cXdJT2oyMzdITjlLaDN6Zz09

12 de Julho de 2023 às 15h

Scapular Motion Analysis - a Review of the Current Solutions

Mestre Ana Antunes

Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

No âmbito do Mestrado em Engenharia Biomédica


In line with technological developments the three-dimensional (3D) kinematic analysis systems have been used to describe and identify the shoulder movement disorders based on scapular motion (Kibler, Ludewig et al. 2013, Robertson, Caldwell et al. 2014), since it is believed that there is a close relation between scapular dysfunction and shoulder pain symptoms (Ludewig and Cook 2000). The Acromial Method (AMC) is a well-known and the most frequently used method by clinicians to determine the 3D position and scapular orientation according to an acromial reference frame (Karduna, McClure et al. 2001, van Andel, van Hutten et al. 2009, Lempereur, Brochard et al. 2014) . Among the numerous types sensors and cluster of markers available through the AMC, the current gold recommendation remains the bone pinning method, fixing intra-cortical metal pins into the scapula under local anesthesia (Karduna, McClure et al. 2001, Ludewig, Phadke et al. 2009, Brochard, Lempereur et al. 2011, Prinold, Shaheen et al. 2011, Parel, Cutti et al. 2012, van den Noort, Wiertsema et al. 2014) . However, the non-invasive approaches, which use an external sensor fixed over scapula bony landmarks, are the most used methods by clinicians in clinical and laboratory set, including the optoelectronic systems, the electromagnetic devices and the internal and magnetic measurement systems (IMMs). In general each method has its strengths and limitations and the choice of the analysis method should meet clinical practice requirements, helping clinicians to perform an informed clinical decision.

Ana Antunes Bio:


Motivated by her passion for sport and health, she entered the degree in Physiotherapy in 2006 at the Escola Superior de Saúde da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa. Throughout his academic career, she took several complementary courses aimed at the treatment and evaluation of upper limb disorders. In 2012, the need for clinical practice and her growing interest in Musculoskeletal led her to continue her training by completing a Master's Degree in Musculoskeletal Conditions at the Escola Superior de Saúde do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, where she was part of the team that developed a line of investigation focused on the effectiveness of three-dimensional kinematic biofeedback as a valid tool to assess dysfunctions of the shoulder joint complex. She is currently attending a PhD in Biomedical Engineering at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, where she is continuing the work, she has been developing in the area of biofeedback and motor learning, investigating the impact of technology development on health and rehabilitation areas.