

Seminário DF Proferido pelo Prof. Dr. Ouanassa Guellati dia 7 de Fevereiro de 2024 às 11h Sala 213 - Edifício I

Wed, 07 February 2024, 11:00 - 12:00
Tipo de evento: 
Departamento de Fisica
Local do evento: 
Sala de Seminários DF 213 Edif. I


Seminário DF

Departamento de Física, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Campus da Caparica, Portugal

Sala 213 - Edifício I

7 de Fevereiro de 2024 às 11h

Nanotechnology from Fundamental to Applied Research 1D, 2D and 3D Smart NanoMaterials, Energy Storage, Water and Soil Treatment, Biosensing

Prof. Dr. Ouanassa Guellati

Souk-Ahras University LEREC Laboratory, Physic Department, Science Faculty

Badji Mokhtar University of Annabaepa, Algeria


Material Physic-chemical properties are often affected by several synthesis parameters like growth temperature and duration as well as used precursors. Moreover, electroactive material performance in numerous applications especially those related to energy storage, catalysis, biosensing and environment have attracted considerable attention of several researchers in last years. Therefore, more environmentally friendly, faster, and energy-efficient synthesis methods for nanostructured production are currently of interest. Thus, our team aim in LEREC laboratory is focalized on developing several kinds of nanomaterials and nanohybrids based of transition metal hydroxide/oxide and/or carbon micro-nanostructures. Basing on the earlier ideas postulated by researchers on designing and developing electrode materials with reasonable electrochemical properties, we present in this contribution some results obtained in our LEREC laboratory through the successful synthesis of mono-, bi- and ternary transition metallic hydroxides based of Ni, Co, Mn, Fe and Zn with carbonate (CO3)2- and/or hydroxide (OH)- intercalated ions by using a free-template one-step hydrothermal method, depicting a simple, efficient and low cost growth route. We will also present some results from in-situ hydrothermal growth Hydroxides/Graphene or MWNTs nanohybrids as well as Fe nanofibers-based oxides.

Ouanassa Guellati Bio:

Dr O. Guellati, permanent researcher in LEREC laboratory in Algeria and Teacher at Souk-Ahras University, has completed her PhD from Badji-Mokhtar University of Annaba 2013, Algeria on production of Carbon nanotube (CNTs) using CCVD technique and their functionalization and macronisation. She has published 23 papers in reputed journals with high impact factor. She has presented in september 2020 her university habilitation at Badji-Mokhtar University of Annaba. She is current reviewer in Nanoscale Research Letters and Materials Science and Engineering B – Journal Elsevier. Actually, she is working on the production of smart nanomaterials like transition metal hydroxides, oxides and nanostructured polyaniline and their nanocomposites / nanohybrids with CNTs and/or Graphene as well as mesoporous Biochars for energy storage, environment and Biosensing application. She is working in collaboration with ICPEES at ECPM, Strasbourg – France, IMS at University of Valencia – Spain, CES at Namur University, SARChI Chair in Carbon Technology and Materials at Pretoria University, South Africa and DISAT - Politecnico di Torino, Italy.