

Marta Cunha Monteiro Manso de Almeida Sampaio

Assistant Researcher
238-B - Ala Norte
212 948 576

Academic Degrees

PhD in Physics (Ciências UL, 2011)

Master's degree in Biophysics with a specialization in Biophysics and Medical Physics. (Ciências UL, 2005)

Degree in Physics and Chemistry Teaching - Physics variant of the Physics scientific area (Ciências UL, 2002)


Research Interests

X-ray fluorescence spectrometry for the development of quantitative methods, portable equipment, and analytical methodologies tailored to the material study and conservation assessment of cultural heritage, with a focus on science, technology, and industry objects, tiles, and graphic documents. These methodologies encompass additional analytical techniques such as optical microscopy, SEM-EDS, Raman and FTIR spectroscopies, and XRD, providing a comprehensive approach to the study of cultural heritage.


Research Projects


  1. IH4Future - Material culture, scientific culture: industrial heritage for the future. Projeto de Desenvolvimento e Implementação de Infraestruturas de Investigação inseridas no RNIE – 2017 PTDC/FIS-AQM/30292/2017 LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-030292, € 205 207.03 (2018-2021) https://sites.google.com/fct.unl.pt/ih4future/


  1. The threads of the past weaving the future: The colors from the Royal Textile Factory of Covilhã, 1764-1850, FCT 2022.01243.PTDC, € 249 430,38 € (2023-2026) https://sites.google.com/view/reviveproject/
  2.  The Chromatic Journey of the Portuguese Azulejo, FCT PTDC/HAR-HIS/1899/2020, € 206 173.00 (2021-24) https://sites.google.com/view/reviveproject/


Representative Publications

Edited Books

Cultura material, cultura científica: património industrial para o futuro, (Eds.) M. Manso, G. Filipe, I. Tissot, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia-Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, Dec. 2021. ISBN: 978 972 8893 97 2, https://doi.org/10.34619/e4vd-p551

Book Chapters

I. Tissot, M. Manso, Industrial heritage: new paradigms for new conservation challenges, in Current Approaches, Solutions and Practices in Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Eds.    G. Emre, A. Yılmaz, P. Pogliani, G. Ildız, R. Fausto, Chapter 8, 155-172, Istanbul University Press, 2023. ISBN: 978-605-07-1592-7, DOI :10.26650/B/AA9PS34.2024.006.006.

Scientific peer reviewed journals           

*Corresponding author, Q -Quartile

  1. I. Tissot, B. Ottone Alves, T. Silva, F. Nogueira, M. Manso*, In full swing: Analytical strategies for the conservation assessment of operating Industrial Heritage machinery, J. Cult. Herit. 66 (2024) 398–406 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2023.12.004 | Q1
  2. I. Tissot, J. F. Fonseca, M. Tissot, M. Lemos, M. L. Carvalho, M. Manso*, Discovering the colours of industrial heritage: characterisation of paint coatings from powerplant at Levada de Tomar, J. Raman Spectrosc. (2021) 208-216. https://doi.org/10.1002/jrs.5924  | Q2
  3. M. Bandiera, U. Veronesi, M. Manso, A. Ruivo, M. Vilarigues, L. Esteves, A. Pais, S. Coentro*, The colour pallete of 16th-18th century azulejos: a multianalytical non-invasive study, J. Cult. Herit. 66 (2024) 593-601. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2024.01.011  | Q1
  4. Veronesi, M. Bandiera, M. Manso, A. Ruivo, M. Vilarigues, S. Coentro*, Naples yellow: Experimental re-working of historical recipes and the influence of the glazing process in the in-situ analysis of historical artwork, Bol. Soc. Esp. Cerám. Vidr. (2023). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bsecv.2023.01.006 | Q2
  5. S.A.B. Lins, M. Manso, P.A.B. Lins, A. Brunetti, A.  Sodo, G.E. Gigante, A. Fabbri, P. Branchini, L. Tortora, S. Ridolfi, Modular MA-XRF Scanner Development in the Multi-Analytical Characterisation of a 17th Century Azulejo from Portugal, Sensors, 21(5) (2021) 1913. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21051913  | Q1
  6. C. Mortari, A. Pais, L. Esteves, A. G. Câmara, M. L. Carvalho, M. Manso*, Raman and X-ray fluorescence glaze characterisation of Maria Keil´s decorative tile panels, J. Raman Spectrosc. 52 (2021) 59-70. https://doi.org/10.1002/jrs.5960 | Q2
  7. H. Grigoryan, M. Vieira, P. Nabais, R. Araújo, M.J. Melo*, M. Manso, M.A. Miranda, J. Rodrigues, Exceptional Illuminated Manuscripts at the Gulbenkian Museum: The Colors of a Bible and Three Gospels Produced in the Armenian Diaspora, Heritage 6 (2023) 3211-3231. https://doi.org/10.3390/heritage6030170 | Q1



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VICARTE https://vicarte.org/marta-manso/

ORCID 0000-0002-6957-0701

Ciência ID 5816-9281-15B0

Scopus Author ID 35230522300

ResearcherID M-5659-2013

NOVA Research Portal https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/persons/marta-cunha-monteiro-manso-de-almeida-sampaio