

Seminário do programa doctoral da aluna Joana Almeida: Energy conversion from pump input to laser output radiation.

Wed, 13 September 2017, 14:00 - 15:00
Tipo de evento: 
Seminário DF, CEFITEC e LIBPhys-UNL
Local do evento: 
Sala de Seminários Nº 213
Localização específica: 
Edifício I

Professores Maria Luísa Carvalho e Filipe Ferreira da Silva

O seminário será proferido pela aluna de doutoramento Joana Almeida e tem por título:

Energy conversion from pump input to laser output radiation

 Abstract:  In all applications of lasers, it is a major goal of the laser designer to achieve the desired output performance with the maximum system efficiency. Thus, it is of utmost importance to understand the dependency and interrelationship of the laser system design parameters and design issues which may help in the optimization of the overall laser efficiency. Each process of energy conversion, from the solar pumping source to laser emission, is associated with one or more components of the laser system (pumping source, pumping cavity, active medium and resonance cavity). The purpose of this seminar is to gain insight into the energy conversion mechanisms in solid-state lasers and therefore an understanding of the influence between the characteristics of solar-pumped lasers with the main parameters involved in the processes of energy conversion from pump input to laser radiation.