

Seminário DF, CEFITEC, LIBPhys: Fusão Nuclear: Presente e futuro - Bruno Gonçalves (IPFN-IST)

Wed, 06 February 2019, 14:00 - 16:00
Tipo de evento: 
Departamento de Física, CEFITEC, LIBPhys
Local do evento: 
Auditório Manuel Laranjeira
Localização específica: 
Edifício I

Professora Maria Luísa Carvalho - Ext.:  10571- Professora Ana Fonseca - Ext.: - 10504


Will we ever harness the energy of the stars on earth? ITER and future long duration fusion experiments are paving the way towards fusion energy in spite of the many technological challenges with a marked change from non-nuclear to nuclear technologies, the need to a better understanding of the underlying physics and a strong focus on the design, build and operation of future facilities like ITER and DEMO. IPFN nuclear fusion activities are strongly focused on contributing to this endeavour. Some examples of the challenges and contributions will be discussed

Nota Biográfica
Bruno Miguel Soares Gonçalves is graduated in Physics Engineering by Instituto Superior Técnico (1997). Is the President of Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear (since 2012) and Head of the Group of Engineering and Systems Integration (since 2013).