Licenciatura em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores (1999, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa)
Mestrado em Engenharia da Saúde (2007, Universidade Católica Portuguesa)
Doutoramento em Ciências Biomédicas - Neurociências (2016, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa)249 - Ala Norte
Tecnologias e serviços em saúde digital; Tecnologias de Apoio e Acessibilidade; Avaliação de valor em Saúde.
(2021- ) (Principal investigator) CardioFollowAI - An intelligent system to improve patients’ safety and remote surveillance in follow-up for cardiothoracic surgery. Consortium: NOVA University, Fraunhofer AICOS, Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Central. Total funding: 240K€.
(2020- ) (Principal investigator) Coagumonitor - Evaluation of a telemonitoring service for patients with anticoagulant therapeutics. Consortium: Nova University of Lisbon; Value for Health CoLAB; Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Central. Funded by Roche. Total funding: 26K€.
(2020-2021) EASYHEALTH4COVID, Lisboa-01-02B7-FEDER-078517. Consortium: Value for Health CoLAB, PLUX, Future Healthcare, Healthy Systems. Total funding: 286K€.
(2020-2022) Fast Trak Covid, Lisboa-01-02B7-FEDER-078517. Consortium: Germano de Sousa (coordinator), NOVA Medical School, Value for Health CoLAB. Total funding: 397K€.
(2020-2022) FrailCareAI - Intelligent frailty pathways for the Portuguese elderly population and impact analysis of the telecare service SNS24 Proximidade Sénior. Consortium: NOVA University (Nova Medical School + Nova FCT), Value for Health CoLAB, SPMS /SNS24. Total funding: 200K€.
(2020-2021) (Principal investigator) Characterisation of the patient pathway and patient-level resources and costs in the context of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in Portugal. In collaboration with the Portuguese Association of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (APELA). Exploratory project.
(2019-2020) CUFIoT4AHA. Awarded by the 2nd Open Call of ACTIVAGE project. Consortium: Promptly, José de Mello Saúde, Ubiwhere e Value for Health CoLAB. Total funding: 200K€.
Pereira C, Guede-Fernández F, Vigário R, Coelho P, Fragata J, Londral A. (2023) Image Analysis System for Early Detection of Cardiothoracic Surgery Wound Alterations Based on Artificial Intelligence Models. Applied Sciences. 13(4):2120.
Londral A, Azevedo S, Dias P et al. (2022) Developing and validating high-value patient digital follow-up services: a pilot study in cardiac surgery. BMC Health Services Research 22, 680.
Londral A. (2022) Assistive Technologies for Communication Empower Patients With ALS to Generate and Self-Report Health Data. Frontiers in Neurology 13:867567
Gonçalves S, von Hafe F, Martins F, Menino C, Guimarães MJ, Mesquita A, Sampaio S, Londral AR. (2022) Case management intervention of high users of the emergency department of a Portuguese hospital: a before-after design analysis. BMC Emergency Medicine 22(1):159.
Schlieter H, Marsch LA, Whitehouse D, Otto L, Londral AR, Teepe GW, Benedict M, Ollier J, Ulmer T, Gasser N, Ultsch S, Wollschlaeger B, Kowatsch T. (2022) Scale-up of Digital Innovations in Health Care: Expert Commentary on Enablers and Barriers. J Med Internet Res 24(3):e24582
Azevedo S, Guede-Fernández F, von Hafe F, Dias P, Lopes I, Cardoso N, Coelho P, Santos J, Fragata J, Vital C, Semedo H, Gualdino A and Londral A (2022) Scaling-up digital follow-up care services: collaborative development and implementation of Remote Patient Monitoring pilot initiatives to increase access to follow-up care. Frontiers in Digital Health 4:1006447.
Azevedo S, Rodrigues TC, Londral AR (2021) Domains and Methods Used to Assess Home Telemonitoring Scalability: Systematic Review. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 19;9(8):e29381.
Londral A, Pinto S, Carvalho M. (2016) Markers for upper limb dysfunction in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis using analysis of typing activity. Clinical Neurophysiology 127.1, 925-931.
Gómez-Vilda P, Londral A, Rodellar-Biarge V, Ferrández-Vicente JM, de Carvalho M. (2015) Monitoring amyotrophic lateral sclerosis by biomechanical modelling of speech production. Neurocomputing 151, 130-138.
Londral A, Pinto S, Azevedo L, Pinto A, Carvalho M. (2015) Quality of life in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients and caregivers: Impact of assistive communication from early stages. Muscle & nerve 52.6, 933-941.